Saturday, June 19, 2010

20 days to go

I've been absent minded on my blogs as of late for the same reason in the last blog, keeping busy, but I know have128 days invested into this deployment, and each and every one of them have sucked, but he got transferred from Iraq 3 days ago to Afghanistan. He'll be there for about 3 weeks or so and then he's home and he'll be mine again, for a little while at least. He's recent change in location means that communication is pretty much down the toilet so it looks like I'll be doing this last stretch all by myself. I'm not excited about it at all, considering if the lack of sleep wasn't bad before, it's really bad now, maybe 5 hours since Wed. I keep sending him emails to let him know that I'm thinking about him, but he's only been able to check them once, which is more than most get. I'm planning something extra special for his homecoming, considering his birthday was during deployment and we didn't get to celebrate it, I'm going to do it up right when he gets home. There has also been a lot of talk of me joining him in Texas when he comes home, a fact I'm [NOT] sharing with my mother who still refuses to have anything to do with me while I'm seeing [HIM]. I have a feeling a it's going to be a bloodbath when he comes home. But I can't say I'm really scared. I love him and he loves me, there's no reason why we shouldn't be together and I'm not going to let anyone tell me how I can live my life, or pick who I choose to have in it. So I guess we'll wait and see.
20 Days in [HELL] left.
But I forever is in the future.