Thursday, April 22, 2010

From Iraq With Love

My love has been gone now 70 days.. most days it feels like a lifetime, but at least I'm able to stay in contact with him. He seems to be in good spirits, he's just really hating the routine, it got old really quick, but it's not like he can go out with his friends for a beer when he gets off work. I keep having horrible nightmares about things I hate being in my mind, but I can't turn them off. Reading some of the horror stories I've seen about wives and loved ones who's soldiers didn't come home are really getting to me. I hate having those moments in the day when something funny happens and I want to text Mr. Incredible and tell him about it, but I can't, I have to wait till his internet works and he's able to call me. I think that's what I miss most, having those moments without being about to share them with him. Every holiday, birthday, or anniversary he misses takes a tiny toll on my heart, but I know in the end it's all worth it to be in his arms again. I wish I had more friends who were dealing with this, so I wouldn't feel like I was doing this alone. Most of the friends I do have that have loved ones in the Service, live on base, or have kids by them or are married, I don't have that connection with him. I love him more than anything else in the world and don't get me wrong, I want those things with him, but as for right now, it's just me. One thing that goes through my mind the most is... what if something does happen *GOD FORBID* I wouldn't even exist to the Army, they wouldn't even tell me if something did happen, I know Richie, his son, would call me, but that could take days. Things like that torture me, I try to keep as busy as possible * Hints: No Blogs * I take his tags off, only to shower, and the other day I forgot to put them back on before I left the house... I cried, had to turn around and go back home and get them, pathetic I know, but in some weird way I think he can feel that, maybe I am crazy for feeling that way, but I feel naked without them. I think I'm done with my rant/ update for now. I'll try to update this as soon as possible. Thank you for reading... Hurry up and wait, August... Hooah!